Discover & Create


AI Tools

Discover the power of our no-code AI app builder and marketplace. Discover, create and monetize your AI tools. 

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Build powerful tools

Discover the power of combining Text, Image, Audio, and Video AI models to unleash your creativity. Then monetize your tools on our marketplace or keep them private for personal use.

Upload your AI prompts
Link together multiple AI's or software
Customize your Box's look and feel
Publish your AI Box on our marketplace

Discover AI Apps to Supercharge Your Business

Explore the AI Box marketplace and find thousands of powerful AI apps and tools to help you automate your department, job or project.

30+ AI app categories

Use our platform to discover what AI use cases are popular and trending in your domain of expertise.

100X your productivity

Harness the massive collection of apps on our marketplace to automate your tasks and boost your productivity. 

Monetize Your AI Prompts

Building and monetizing your AI tools on AI Box offers these incredible benefits. 

Protection for your prompts
Flexible software integrations
Ability to monetize your tools
Creator Royalties

As a creator on the AI Box platform, you’ll earn royalties whenever customers use the tools you’ve built, rewarding your innovation and hard work.

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One spot for all your AI files

Never again will you lose an AI generated image in a Discord channel feed… 

Sort by project or file​

Organize and sort all of you AI projects and files in one convenient location. 

Stay in Control

Publish and monetize or keep private

You are in full control of your tools. Publish them to the marketplace and collect royalties or keep them private for personal use. 

Cut down development time

Cut AI tool development time down from months or years to hours or days. 

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